I love where God has RiverTree headed.
A friend of mine wrote that he couldn’t imagine doing what he is doing for the next 20 years. He’s a Pastor of a large church that is involved in bulding programs, keeping the “machine” running, lots of fund raising to pay the bills and, in general, stuff he never knew he was signing on to do as a Pastor.
I love what I get to do at RiverTree!
I love that we’re focusing on people on the margins of society. That we sponsor more than 800 children through Compassion International. That we’re helping build Hannah’s Home (a place for teen unwed girls) in Peru. That we’ve partnered and are continuing to walk alongside Dyetski Dom and Project Sasha in the Ukrainne. That’s something I can give my life to–it’s something Jesus gave His life to.
I love that we’re not about putting up a bunch of big buildings. That we’re committed to reaching 30,000 people, but we’ll do it as a virus and not as an elephant. I would much rather raise funds to pour into people rather than building projects.
I love that we’re committed to “make it hard to go to Hell in Ohio.” That we’re synergizing with church planting organizations, other healthy churches and universities to plant churches all over the state. 50 new churches in the next 10 years!
I love that we’re committed to seemless life development. From cradle to grave we’re developing a strategy to help children commit their lives to being Jesus followers and then grow on their journey in building God’s Kingdom until the day Jesus returns or this life comes to a close.
I love where God has RiverTree headed and I love that I get to be part of it. There is nothing else I can imagine doing.
Will you join me on the journey?
Pastor Nettle,
Just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy your postings…
Dave Walter
I love that I belong to a church where the Pastor loves pastoring! I can’t think of a place I’d rather be worshiping.
I love this new vision. I like going to a church where the leadership actually gets what Christianity is all about. It’s not a one-time decision or a weekend to-do, it’s a lifestyle.
I like the attitude that we’re ALL full-time ministers. Jesus said, “Go INTO all the nations…” He didn’t say, “sit in your church house and wait for the nations to come to you.”…and He also said, “These signs shall FOLLOW those that believe.” They can’t follow if you ain’t movin’ around.
I’m in!!! And I’m done being a “believer” in Jesus. I just want to follow Jesus. Wherever that is.
Greg, deep contentment oozes from your blog. And for most of us this deep contentment lies just beyond the risk of trusting God.
Oh and if God is who he says he is……..is it really a risk?
Rick Royer
amen to that…I am so excited to jump into the vision that God has for RiverTree…
I am new to rivertree only being there for 2 months but already…I have found my place…..Relationships…relationships…relationships…
John 17 says the only way to have eternal life is to KNOW HIM! to be one with the uncreated one!
be blessed as you walk in humble leadership at RiverTree!!
~amber irene burdge