I’m writing from Lima, Peru.
I flew down yesterday with ten high power leaders from RiverTree. Some really amazing “young bucks” I’ve been pouring my life into (and in the process, they’re changing me).
We spent the day today at Hannah’s Home–a home for young, pregnant, teenage girls who have no place else to go. We were actually digging the hole for the septic system for a future orphanage that will be built on the same property.
Three years ago I was down here when all of this was just a vision from the heart of God. It’s absolutely amazing to see vision become reality . . .
. . . But that’s the adventure of walking with God.
What does “high power leaders” mean? It sounds American corporation terminology. That may not be a bad thing. On the other hand, I doubt if any of Jesus’ twelve who turned the world upside down would have fit into that categorization, nor would Jesus himself.
High power leaders means men who have the spiritual gift of leadership (given by God) who are learning to tap into the power of God to build His Kingdom.
By this definition I would say that Jesus’ Disciples and definitely Jesus Himself were high powered leaders.
It’s exciting to see the vision becoming reality — when we were at Hannah’s Home in July, we had the joy of framing up the second floor for more living quarters for the girls. I’m wondering what it looks like now. We’re praying for you and the awesome servant leaders that are with you.