I’m finishing up a book by Henri Nouwen called Intimacy. In the book Henri writes of the call to follow Jesus:
I am convinced that a community which feels called to do a most difficult task, which asks for great sacrifices and great self-denial in order to do the work of God which is obvious and self-evident, will have no problems at all in finding people who want to join in the challenging enterprise.
He who promises hard work, long hours, and much sacrifice will attract the strong and generous but he who promises protection, success and all the facilities of an affluent society will have to settle for the weak, the lazy and the spoiled.
I agree with Mr. Nouwen. Give me something that demands everything. Call me to a higher purpose. Engage me in the battle.
This is the life that Jesus promised.
Greg, please slow down, I just finished The Winners Manual, haven’t started Outliers yet, and now I have to get Intimacy!! I hope it rains the next month of weekends!
Jim B.
Hey Jim,
Though I’m a huge Nouwen fan, I wouldn’t recommend this book. The quote I referenced is about the best from it.