The day after Thanksgiving is always a unique day. Put up the Christmas lights. Watch some more football. Eat leftovers. But do we still give thanks?

This morning I received a phone call from a friend from my past. His son, who just graduated from high school last year, was stationed in Iraq. He called to tell me that his son was killed in action this week.

Shortly after the phone call, I left the house and headed to Reed Funeral Home. I perfomed the funeral for an 80 year old man on Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) and today (the day after Thanksgiving) he was being laid in the ground. He received full military honors at his graveside. Is there any sound more lonely than Taps?

A 19 year old and an 80 year old. I’m certain that my friends expected to see their 19 year old son again. There would be many more Thanksgivings together. I also know that when my 80 year old friend went into the hospital for routine knee surgery that his family was expecting to celebrate this and many more Thanksgivings with him.

But here we are, the day after, and both are gone.

No more Thanksgivings together in this lifetime.

Life is fragile.

Maybe the day after Thanksgiving we should continue our thanks giving? Who do you have in your life that you could pick up the phone and call? Who could you write a short note to? Just wanted to say, “I thank God that you’re in my life.”

Don’t wait until next Thanksgiving.