Guest: Jared and ann Roth
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Connect with Jared And Ann Roth:
Connect with Greg Nettle and Stadia Church Planting:
- Facebook and Instagram: @stadiachurchplanting
- Greg’s Facebook page: @nettleg1
- The Church Planting Podcast on Facebook and Instagram: @plantingpodcast

More About: Jared and Ann Roth
Ann and Jared Roth have led church planting efforts since they planted a church at age 23. Each has served as the National Director of Church Planting for a major denomination, and both have consulted nationally and internationally for various denominations and associations.
Ann led national teams that developed planter resources for selection, training, and coaching that were translated into several languages and used internationally. Ann’s consulting includes being the lead consultant for a large denomination as they developed a church planting initiative that resulted in their growth the past decade.
Jared served as the General Supervisor of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, and as its Interim President. Jared’s doctoral research studied the emotional intelligence profile of highly effective pastors in the United States.
As researchers and resource developers they created Sprout Digital to address needs in a new generation of demographics and technologies. As practitioners, they are co-lead pastors of a Phygital (physical & digital) church that has launched two daughter church plants this year, in addition to developing a new fully digital faith community.