I’m studying through the Old Testament Prophets right now.
This morning I read an interesting statement from authors, Wayne Barber and Eddie Rasnake. They state that: “True ministry is initiated by God, which means that it is received, not achieved.” This is a powerful statement for me to reflect on. Am I trying to “achieve” for God or am I simply living out the call upon my life that I have “received” from God.
Achievement means that I carry the burden. Living out a call that is received places the burden upon God.
Achievement means that I work in my own strength. Living out a call that is received means that my work is empowered by God.
Achievement means that I receive the glory. Living out a call that is received means that all glory goes to God.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Acts 20:24, But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus–the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God!
We have a phrase that we frequently say around RiverTree, Your life is your mission. Is your life one that is filled with “achievements” for God, or is it a life that is reflective of a peace that comes from knowing you are simply walking hand in hand with God as you live out His purpose?
I like this litmus test for vision:
-Who is this for?
-Who gets the glory?
Wow…definitely something to reflect upon. Recieving from God and not Achieving.
I think it comes down to the disposition of the heart. A proud man says look what I have achieved thanks to God… A humble man looks at what has been created and never flinches in saying Solo Deo Gloria. No I involved.
Great Post!
It would be interesting and helpful to have a teaching around this very subject. So many of us in the business world need to set goals, plan, execute and then achieve our objectives. Coming out of True North I had set out to determine how best to serve God. I must say my business training has caused me to stumble more than to know exactly what God desires. I have difficulty waiting on God and have been told to just bloom where I have been planted. Lately my peace has come by daily submitting my hopes dreams and ambitions to God.
Would love to learn more how to receive what ministry God has for me.
awesome post. very convicting. i think it’s funny how i react like this is something so new to hear of when in reality, i’ve heard this many times. i find it so difficult to let something like this permeate my mind and heart and actually remain there.
i agree with bruce that in the business world (not that this isn’t in other jobs too) it seems like we’re always pushed to meeting our objectives, accomplishing our goals. not to say we shouldn’t have any, but how do you establish goals in your personal career that reflect the goals God may have for you? am i asking Him to get too involved in my life? but doesn’t He want to be involved on that level, and all the others?
confused in cincinnati,
Hi April,
Yes. Yes. Yes. Your life is your mission–that includes your job–right where you are.
God wants to be involved in every aspect of your life.
Sorry I’m late. =D
I spend most of my time hanging around the OT prophets…especially the minor. I love them! They are SO relevant,as if they were written just yesterday, specifically for us today. GREAT stuff in there!
They can be so confusing and seem so irrelevant, but I always remind myself that God is above giving me a history lesson, so “What does this have to do with me, right now?” is what I ask. And I’ve learned to ask God for the answers first (not my friends, not the internet, not my pastor, not my family…GOD). After all, He wrote it…I’m sure He knew exactly what He meant when He said what He said.
“Lean not on your own understanding…” There’s some truth to that, ya know. There ain’t nothing worse than climbing to the top of a ladder only to find out that it’s leaning against the wrong wall.