Last night I finished reading Vince Antonucci’s book, I Became A Christian And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt. When I turned the last page I was genuinely sorry that T-Shirt was coming to an end.
Vince, in a very candid and authentic manner, discusses what it means to be a follower of Jesus. He exposes many of the misconceptions and misrepresentations that are tragically corrupting the current state of Christianity.
I found myself laughing out loud and softly crying as I read this book. God has gifted Vince with a marvelous sense of humor and is using his writing to ask all of us some very probing questions.
Pick this one up!!!
Glad you liked it. I think I may read this one again. His writing is so pure and authentic. What a great read and great message!
Do you know about
Great stuff there, especially for a pastor. Don’t miss it.
This book is lousy, the author has no sense of humor at all, and he is a horrible story teller. How do I know? Cuz I’ve lived with this guy for almost 10 years of my life now? Geez – talk about overrated! (hahahah!)
Just kidding! Vince is my Pastor and wise beyond his years – he has taught much to this older fella; and under his tutelage I am hopeful to be half the Pastor and leader that God has enabled Vince to be. The book is pretty stinkin funny, but also a sad commentary on the perception of Christianity.
He Greg, did Deb pass on to you about my interest in Tanzania? Just curious.
Greg, I just ordered this book on amazon! I thought I would be good, but now I am looking forward to my delivery! Thanks!
Greg, Thank you so much, for reading the book, for enjoying it, and for putting up a post about it. There’s also a church series based on it: if you’re interested. Thanks, vince