This past Saturday morning, my family joined about 30 others from our GoCommunity leadership training group in serving at Altercare of Noble’s Pond. So I confess . . . at 9:30 I said to Julie, “This is about the last thing I want to do.” I still had final touches to put on the weekend teaching, would teach 5 times and then 17 people coming to our house for Mother’s Day dinner on Sunday.
Nevertheless, at 10 I was at Altercare. My three year old son, Elijah, and I were assigned to go room to room giving all of the guests fresh ice water in their pitchers. Elijah was a big hit! About 15 minutes into serving others I thought to myself, “This is good for my soul.”
Now, God willing, I pray our service was a blessing to those we served. But at the end of the day perhaps I needed it more than they did. My heart needed it. My soul needed it. When we bless others, take our minds off of our selves, it is we who are blessed. It is good for my soul.
Thanks, how true that is. I really need to get more active serving others. Thanks again for being a great example.
It was such a great launch for GoCo’s. Glad the weather turned out well.
And you’re right, Elijah was a hit! I shot some video for the event and recorded Elijah when he walked in one of the resident’s room’s and proudly yelled out, “Helloooooo.” Out of the mouths of babes.
Gary D
BTW, The sermon turned out great! Defiantly good for the soul.
Addendum to my last post: definitely not defiantly…but I guess you can be defiant too…he he.
Gary D