I’ve been out in Vegas for the past couple of days at a conference for Pastors. Interesting venue for a Pastors’ conference.
My buddies who are Pastors right here in Vegas have reclaimed the city from “sin city” to “grace city.” God is doing some amazing things here. Story after story of wrecked lives that God is rebuilding. (Read Jud Wilhite’s book Stripped, Uncensored Grace on the Streets of Vegas.)
One of the things that we did at this conference is share what we’re learning in a round table discussion format (there were only 16 of us). My friend Brett said that he has learned “that we MUST obey what we clearly know is God’s next step for our lives. We can’t expect God to show us three steps down the road if we’re not willing to be obedient in taking the first step.”
How many times have we missed the amazing adventure God has in store for our lives because we’re not willing to take the first step? Peter had to take the first step out of the boat before he could walk on water. Moses had to take the first step as the Red Sea split. David had to step onto the field of battle in the line of fire of a mocking Goliath. The first step is typically the hardest and the scarriest, but think of the miracles we may be missing!!!
What step is God inviting you to take?