eBook: “Disciples Who Make Disciples: Turning Your Church Into a Multiplying Movement”
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Continuing the story we began in our One Of eBook, this new release describes how RiverTree Church is building a culture that combines disciple making with mission. My friend Alex Absalom and I use this book to describe the practical steps the church has taken to begin the shift from merely reaching people to making disciples who in turn are equipped to go and make more disciples.
Disciples Who Make Disciples covers what it means to define discipleship in a biblical, simple yet challenging way (What is Jesus saying to you and what are you doing in response?); moving from educating to modeling, particularly through “balancing REI” (relationships, experiences and Information) and keeping the Bible at the center of discipleship by showing people how to understand Scripture in the details of their own lives, rather than relying on others to do it for them; developing clear language and practices that help communicate the shift from programs to discipleship as our primary purpose, specifically:
- How RiverTree has developed Napkin Discipleship to build a common vocabulary of discipleship.
- How the church has learned from other churches as RiverTree has identified core practices of discipleship.
- Other topics include implementing and developing leadership Huddles as part of the wider realignment from an activity-based to a relationship-based paradigm; and allowing this dynamic discipleship model to move the church’s key metric from accumulating people to deploying disciples, detailing how this measure of success impacts staff, missional communities and the church as a whole.
We really appreciate these sponsors who have made it possible for this eBook to be a free download:
- Exponential www.exponential.org
- Compassion International www.compassion.com
- SYNERGY www.synergymissional.com
- Provision Ministry Group www.provision.org
I am about to complete (in three days) a Discipleship 101 class at Pantano Christian Church. So much of the material that I see in the description of your book is very familiar.
I thought I had downloaded Disciples Who Make Disciples to my Kindle–or, at least, to my Kindle for PC app’. Either would do. I completed the form and selected the appropriate downloading format, but to no avail. This book does not appear on my Kindle or on my computer. Am I allowed more than one attempt? It’s been at least 15 minutes, I believe, since it supposedly downloaded for me.
Hi Vicki. Yes, please try again!