About a year and a half ago I had the pleasure and privilege of summitting Mount Kilimanjaro.  Kili is the world’s tallest free-standing inactive volcano at 19,400 feet.  In the process, my climbing partner and I raised more than $50,000 for orphans whose parents had died as a result of the HIV virus.  Very cool.

In January of 2011 I will be leading a team of 12 climbers in an attempt to summit the world’s tallest active volcano–Cote-Paxi, in Ecaudor.  Cote-Paxi is virtually identical in height to Kilimanjaro.  Once again we will be climbing to raise money for children at risk–this time in South America.

Last month I was flying from Guyaquil, Ecuador, to Quito, Ecuador with a group of leaders who are committed to loving children in Jesus’ name.  In the midst of the flight, we flew over Cote-Paxi.  Click the link below to view the mountain we’ll be summitting . . . for the children!