I recently had a young lady approach me after one of our weekend services. She was somewhat emotional as she said, “Pastor Greg, I want to tell you how God has used you to change my life.” I was prepared for her to tell me how God had been speaking to her through the weekend teaching times . . . that wasn’t it at all. She continued: “About a year and a half ago you came into the store where I was working in the mall–Bath And Bodyworks. You were buying gift baskets for some of your staff.” (By the way, they were having a 70% off sale. Very nice. Frugal but not cheap.) “I was having a bad day and you made it a point to call me by name. You were nice to me.”
She went on to explain that after I left the store she went online and found RiverTree Christian. For the first time in years she attended a church service . . . at RiverTree. She’s been attending and turning her life over to God ever since.
I share this story with you simply to make us all aware of the difference that small kindnesses can make in a person’s life. I didn’t lead her through a bunch of scriptures. I didn’t leave a “Jesus tract” on the counter. I simply called her by name.
It’s amazing the difference a smile and just saying someone’s name can make.
I wish it was that easy for everyone. We would live in a different world.
so i was reading through the blogs and i realized this was about me. when i ran into Pastor Greg that morning after the service, i was caught off guard, i didn’t know how to tell him exactly what i wanted to say,even though i had rehearsed it in my head a thousand times. i guess i still have a hard time expressing it, because it was not only a bad day, it was a bad year. I just kept thinking “how could i ever bring myself before God again after the things i had done”? That moment that i met Pastor Greg at Bath and Body Works, the weekend i saw his face in the paper and realized who he was, was my sign (and they are EVERYWHERE) from God (just as clear as the marquis out in front of the Church) that His arms were open if i were willing.
and for Kellie…it is that easy, to wreck someone’s roof to show compassion, to make others wonder what is it in you that makes you passionate about God, to show in your actions and how you came to know God, because it touches people and makes them too want to know what you know. Be fearless in your love for Him and tell it to others, share it with as many people that will listen. It can be and is, that easy. ;0)
([email protected])
This is a great story. I always look at name tags and use the name to joke with or make them smile if they are having a bad day. It drives my wife nutz! :-)
Again, Great Story!