Okay, let me respond to a few comments. First of all, I hope that what I have written in my previous post does not sound as though I am enamored with or endorsing a particular candidate. Quite frankly I couldn’t begin to endorse ANY candidate at this juncture!
Secondly, the phone call is fascinating to me simply because it would be wonderful to ask Senator Obama how I can specifically pray for him (something we as Jesus-followers are commanded to do). Or what if in the midst of our dialogue God would actually speak into his heart about the sanctity of human life?
Thirdly, we who follow Jesus will never change the world by legislating Christianity. The world (with ALL of its attrocities) will only be transformed by the love of Jesus as lived out by each and every one of us.
Love you all :-)
I agree completely!
I knew what you meant, but thanks for the clarification. :-)
I don’t get it. What is wrong with sitting down and listening to someone with a different opinion than you? Why does the mere mention of doing this spark such a panic, rage, and fear? And why do you, Greg, feel you need to reassure everyone that you don’t intend to actually listen to Obama, you just want to “pray for him.” Where is this Jesus’ love you’re all so fond of giving lip service to? What is the fear about? If you actually listened to someone else’s point of view, you might end up changing your own? Why is it wo hard to understand how someone might realize the tragedy that abortion is while still being able to see why it needs to be an option? I can tell you, if I were considering an abortion, I wouldn’t talk to any of you about it because of the tight lipped, close-minded condemnation I’ve seen here. If you are unapproachable by people with questions or differences of opinion, how do you think you can change anything? Pray for me??? I’ll be praying for you!!
He strikes again! Everywhere I go, I see this “anonymous said…” guy or gal, lashing out with venom, but obviously has not read the post?
I never once read anything about not listening? Oh well…., it makes me ponder the idea of listening to “anonymous said…” voices?
Of course I will, but it does make me ponder….
Love you too Greg!
I hate to sound cliche, but you’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. The interesting thing about my point of view…it’s that it really is mine! (and I’m not ashamed or afraid to attach my identity to it for everyone to see). Nobody tells me what to believe or what to think, no matter how popular or unpopular the idea. I retain complete autonomy in that department. It’s not in ones best interest to listen to everybody else and change his point of view accordingly. Interestingly enough, many people feel the need to prescribe this for others, but never feel any obligation to do it, themselves, perhaps because they might wind up changing their own view.
Honestly, Pastor, the only hostility that I’ve seen/read in these past two postings of yours…is right here with “anonymous said”. I actually went back and re-read them all. There were others who did not share your intrigue or others’ points of view, but managed to convey their disagreement in a cordial, civilized manner. It’s perfectly normal to disagree, but nobody has to come unglued about it. Sadly, though, many people have trouble in this area and commit the very same conversational crimes that others are accused of. I don’t think you’ll find any political blogging anywhere that doesn’t have something to this affect on one side or both…par for the course, I suppose (and that’s why politics is on the list of things NOT to discuss at parties. lol)
I still think it’s GREAT that you get to talk to Sen. Obama. How many everyday, real life folks will have that opportunity?! You have met so many famous people in your life…think of the stories you can tell your children and grandchildren. The rest of us are lucky if we get to meet the mayor! lol But seriously…all one has to do is Google the names of our world leaders. Click on the “image” tab and look at all the pictures. I guarantee you that you will find many, MANY images of those leaders sitting and talking with other world leaders who they disagreed with. Reagan and Gorbachev, Pope John Paul II and Mehmet Ali Agca (the guy who shot him), Kennedy and Kruschev (many people don’t know that JFK and Kruschev actually set aside their differences long enough to begin forming an alliance in the space race). All of these world leaders past and present, sitting down…and talking. And each one was the antithesis of the other.
When leaders (great and small) stop talking…that’s when we should start worrying.